Monday 22 July 2013


Dear Rebecca ,
Are bridge players cowards or just plain lazy ? The other night a sweet little old lady was physically assaulted by an over-sized brute of an opponent , in a crowded room with dozens of  stunned members looking on in disbelief.
I stood and watched for a good five minutes during which time not one person lifted a finger to help.
Whatever happened to that British bulldog spirit ?

Yours  Ivor Faintheart

Dear Ivor , 
It is never a wise move to muscle in , especially if there's a real danger that the fracas will get out of control . Nevertheless , what someone should have done was to get the TD to step in , defuse the situation , and discipline the aggressor.

Yours Rebecca 

Dear Rebecca , 
Many thanks for your observation but I was the TD.

Yours Ivor Faintheart


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