Sunday 28 October 2012

HYPOCRISY IS EVERYWHERE........ ( Article by Carp )

Oh yes , everywhere you look hypocrisy will rear its ugly head, but the most blatant examples of this appalling character trait can always be found down at your local bridge club. There you find the Bigot-Johnsons of this world,  who seem to have no qualms whatsoever about ............  
- telling others to keep their mouths shut in the interests of confidentiality, only to spread rumours and gossip that suit their Machiavellian purposes
- lambasting their critics as traitors, enemies within, and undesirable troublemakers,  just because they happen to express opposing views and opinions
- treating intolerance with extreme intolerance...... and violent retribution 
- educating others about the finer arts of the game, when they themselves have yet to grasp the basics
- refusing to practise what they preach
- lording the right to free speech, but only when they are in the business of slagging others off 
- condemning others in an extremely condescending, superior way for being a tad smug and arrogant 
- tackling all forms of rudeness by others with a barrage of expletives and highly offensive remarks
- advocating the importance of good communication, but refusing to answer difficult questions, or letters sent in by members, which raise serious criticisms and concerns 
- regarding other members' silly, petty table transgressions as detrimental to the well being of the club, but refusing to acknowledge any wrong on their part,  such as pouring vast amounts of the club's cash in the foolish pursuit of litigation  
- ignoring the advice of others, only to take it on board years later by dressing it up as one of their own inspired initiatives 
- condemning others for making an exhibition of themselves, before taking centre stage and exposing themselves as complete clowns
- projecting all their shortcomings and failings onto others 
- stepping into office with promises of being open and transparent, only to hold meetings behind closed doors , publishing bland, sanitised minutes of little or no substance 
- refuting allegations of bias, while being unashamedly hell bent on carrying out personal vendettas against those they dislike


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