Wednesday 5 September 2012

(  In a landmark case Bigot-Johnson became the first bridge player in history to be charged with psychological grievous bodily harm ,  having for countless years subjected his regular partner  to a relentless barrage of verbal harassment , haranguing , condemnation and degrading insults. Bigot steadfastly denied the charge , electing to defend himself in court  despite the advice of the judge. A short extract from the trial's transcript appears below. )

Prosecutor (P ) : Do you admit to having made your partner's life sheer hell....
B-J : That may be your jaundiced interpretation of the facts.....
P : Is not true that you constantly put your partner through unbearable mental torture ?
B-J : Some observers might have perceived my behaviour as a bit unusual
P : Unusual ? .....It was vindictive , cruel and sadistic
B-J :  But my partner enjoys being treated this way......he loves to be punished.......the more I beat him up the more he's wonderful
P : So what you are alleging then is that you have a sado-masochistic relationship with your partner ?
B-J : Exactly....and what's best is that he willingly consents to being tortured and abused each and every time we sat down to play bridge. He is a glutton for punishment.......he can't get enough of it. Why...I genuinely believe he sets out to play like a buffoon just to get more savage treatment .......
P : Nevertheless extreme form of grievous psychological harm has been inflicted on this poor wretched man
B-J : Ah....but you can't do me on this charge because he consented exactly the same way as boxers do when they step into a ring to beat the living daylights out of each other
P : Yes.....consent can be a defence to physical injuries picked up in a sporting contest. However,  one crucial difference is that the a boxer is up against an opponent .....not someone you is meant to be on your side......indeed , an opponent can give as good as he gets. Moreover ,  boxers have to abide by a set of play fair rules with a referee watching over them at all times to see that they do......
B-J : But surely consent a well established defence to any charge of assault ?
Judge : Not when the unlawful act involves a degree of psychological violence such that the infliction of damage to the victim's ego , self worth , self esteem and self confidence is both unavoidable and irreparable.  You , Bigot , have committed wicked sadistic acts upon a sad feeble minded individual, which inflicted psychological injuries neither transient nor trifling , despite the fact that these sickening acts were committed in a private club with apparent consent from both the victim and the club's administrators.
B-J : God man...if you deny any player the right to regularly lambast his'll be taking all the fun out of the game of bridge . The whole concept of a perfect partnership is based upon a sado-masochistic relationship. The regular pairings at the Slaughter House Bridge Club is full of these made-in-heaven partnerships...
Judge :  That may be the case but there is no evidence to support the assertion that sado-masochistic activities are essential to the happiness of bridge participants. Such activities are a violation of their civil rights. These practices amount to extreme bullying , which are both unpredictably dangerous and degrading to those at the receiving end. You have clearly increased the degree of barbarity over the years , and have conditioned your partner into the role of a slavish gimp ,  whose consent was both dubious and worthless. Therefore, on grounds of public policy alone , consent cannot be allowed as a defence in circumstances such as these. Bridge club members , with masochistic tendencies , must be protected against a cult of violence that clearly pervades clubs such as your own. The sick  warped behaviour of your sadistic members must be stopped if  the danger of the proselytisation and corruption  of others is to be removed. In other words Bigot you are going down for quite some time....
B-J : Bugger....             

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