Monday 11 January 2010

A WORD FROM THE MAN HIMSELF......................................................... ( Me, the Bigot ) This blog has now clocked up its 300th post, and I must say I am more than pleased with the interest shown in it to date. What with 2100 profiles views in just over 5 months, it just goes to show that quite a few blog-reading bridge enthusiasts who are at least prepared to see the world of bridge from another point of view...........and marvel at its limitless capacity to be both bizarre and absurd. For instance, the cluster map shows I have aroused quite a bit of interest in Venezuala, which in itself is rather strange.......but very heartwarming nevertheless. Anyway, to all those you have continued to check this site out and enjoy reading some of the stuff that appears, I thank you all. So coming up over the next few months will be another veritable motherlode of gut wrenching nonsense to turn your previously active, supple smooth bridge minds into something resembling compost heaps. Indeed, there is nothing on God's earth quite like Carp, Rebecca Rood, Pun, Dr. Sigmund T. Schukelgruber and Professor Hu Chi Ku Chi.....gifted in their ability to produce insulting guilt-ridden drivel.... to render their readers completely speechless.

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