Tuesday 10 November 2009

BIGOT GOES BALLISTIC...................( Short report by Bridgemeister Gibson) It had to happen. Bigot Johnson was up against Johnny Supremo ( a smart-arse know-all he has gradually come to hate ) and he was determined to put one over him. He mumbled prayers before reaching for his cards : " Dear God deal me a good hand ". Sure enough God obliged when Bigot stared at : (void )....KQ10xx...AQx....AQJxx. His partner too was blessed with a few tasty cards, holding : x.....AJxx....1098x....Kxxx . So the scene was set for Bigot to bid and make an easy slam. However, the bidding took an unexpected turn. After Bigot opened 1H, Johnny Supremo sitting West overcalled 3S. Partner went to 4H only for East to compete with 4S. Undeterred Bigot punted 6H to finish off the aunction. But no.....Johnny was back in with 6S, which was followed by two passes.....and a hefty double from a man who was going ballistic. He had no way of knowing whether 7H would make, or not. With no more bidding, North led his singleton spade, and after a flurry of cross-ruffing West was able to establish dummy's long diamond suit to ditch a losing club and his one remaining heart. Six spades made plus one for a gallactic score of +1860.....and all on a combined 14 count: KQJxxxxx.....xxxx...(void) ..x...... opposite his partner's rather fortuitous holding of Axxx....(void)....KJxxxx....xxx. What was of course most galling for Bigot was the fact that 7H could make, given the double finesse in diamonds working. Johnny had just lit his fuse alright and the words "bugger...bugger " echoed around the room. It was just a matter of seconds now before the explosion........

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